Gravitron Gravity Bong

The Dom Perignon of Gravity Bongs… Finally a gravity bong that doesn’t wreak of jerry-rigged, impromptu shabbiness. Grav Labs has created the Rolls Royce of gravity bongs: The Gravitron and it’s high time you give it a spin. Resembling an empty bottle of Cristal resting inside a translucent ice bucket, this gravity bong is the […]

Borosilicate Glass Beaker Bong

The science of getting high… Higher Standards has created a waterpipe that is part bong, and part beaker. A Beaker-Bong, if you will. It’s fitting as experimentation goes hand in hand with getting high and finding the antidote to dengue fever. This is a durable and medical grade bong which means you are essentially one […]

Boost: Black Edition

The Power of the Dub… Take your cannabis wax and/or oil to new heights with the world’s first portable, battery powered dab rig. The Boost: Black Edition is a surefire way to transport you deep into the multiverse without the need for a torch or some intricate scaffolding apparatus that resembles those delicious Doozer Sticks […]

Jane West Beaker

Through the smoking glass… “Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest green garden you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds […]

Hitman Glass

Contract this killer Hitman glass water pipes are named as such because it is the perfect companion piece to bring along on any contract killing. Acquire target, vanquish target, bong rip. In that order. The great thing about Hitman Glass water pipes is that it hits really well too, even if you’re a bricklayer, schoolteacher […]

Recycled glass Bud Vase

High class glass Did you know? Mother’s Day is May 14th this year. That’s in like a week. (less. less than a week. look at a calendar… we’re not your day-planner). “Oh, crud balls,” you say. “How do I show dearest mother my love in a clever and crafty gift? …For Mother’s Day, which I […]

Limited Edition: Io Water Pipe

The moon jumped over the cow. When Zeus covered the earth with clouds to hide his affair with the Princess Io from his wife Hera, little did he know his paramour would become the stuff of legend. First Zeus transformed the pretty princess into a white cow when Hera wasn’t fooled by the global cloudy […]



Not just another 7-11 Slushie. Upon first look, Grav’s Cup Bubbler bong could be mistaken for your run of the mill see-thru 7-11 slushie. On closer inspection, it is in fact a fancy flamed-glass bubbler bong that, much like a slushie, will fit in most cup holders (don’t smoke & drive kids!). But unlike a slushie […]

Aura Water Pipe

Simple Satisfies

Too many pipes & bongs get overly complicated with their designs and start to lose its true purpose, how well it works. And more often than not, simple works best and beautifully. Modernism is based on this precept.

As fashion & style icon Coco Chanel once said, “SIMPLICITY is the keynote to all true elegance”

This speaks to what the Aura aspires to and reaches: the functional beauty of simplicity.


Doesn’t Vase + Bong = Vong…?

We we’re going to try and come up with something superfluous and ridiculous for the Voong, but this one kinda speaks for itself. What follows quoted is their copy. The whimsically sarcastic tone is ours…

“At first glance, you might not suspect that this two-tone vase pulls double duty. You’ll notice its porcelain exterior with a tactile copper band around the neck and the three openings that hold flowers. But this beautiful object, by Castor Design, subtly disguises another use besides holding flowers – it’s also a bong!” (Insert disbelief face here.)

Ok, we did try a couple of our own but they didn’t quite seem to hit the same mark…

“Did you ever want to smoke out of a vase or put flowers in your bong? No? Good call.”


“Are you the type of person who needs to hide your bong from your mom whenever she visits, so you put flowers in it and pretend it’s a vase? Well now here’s the Voong for you!


“This is a pretty cool looking bong. Why the French would anyone put frickin flowers in it??”

… so we just left it as is.

Contact Castor Design sales for pricing.