kikoko Tea

Tea time for the soul… As if from the ancient tea houses of Edo, to your favorite dispensary,  Kikoko Tea adds another layer to tea time. Bringing past to present. Elevating the ceremony to a euphoric blend of the senses. In the “Book of Tea” Kakuzo Okakura described teaism as, “a cult founded on the adoration […]

Sprig Soda

Dig the Sprig How many times have you enjoyed a frosty soft drink with your weed? We are guessing anywhere between a few times to many times. Have you considered joining the two? If you have or even if you haven’t and just like the idea of it then you should pop open a can […]

Therapy Tonics Cannabis Coffee

Lift the afternoon fog… It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. It’s sunny out. There’s work to plow through, but motivation is stuck in neutral and mental grease is lacking. The writer’s brain is in a fog, his mood growing overcast, with internal thunderclaps of doubt beginning to amplify. “Time to focus. Let’s get inspired,” he tells […]

Monk Botanicals

A health conscious high… Monk Botanicals takes the finest fruit juices and botanical herbs and infuses them with low dose THC to give you that gentle high. A place right in between “I think I feel an itch” and “maybe I shouldn’t leave this couch”. Monk Botanicals understands the value in delivering a mild psychotropic […]


We take very kindly to Potshotz around here… Prohibition Gold saunters into town like a rogue tumbleweed selling it’s wares to the townfolk, who’ve been a bit on edge lately. They’ve been taken down the road a few times too many what with all the snake oil salesmen coming through. “Hold On a minute!”, yells […]

Legal Sparkling Tonics

Legally illegal Cannabis extract was lonely. It put an ad out in the local paper seeking company. Days later fruit juices responded to the ad and suggested they meet in some dank workshop and see if they click. To everyone’s delight they hit it off instantly and before long their union was one of wedded […]

Torii Re-Leaf

A shot of relaxation Torii Labs has introduced some rather sleek looking UV resistant shot vials that contain a combination of cannabis oil and active wild herbs, designed to give you relief from what ails ya’. If you had a rough week working hard at work worth doing, Torii Re-leaf is the sort of elixir that will […]

Peace & Wellness Infused Coffee

Making Monday morning suck a helluva lot less, one cup at a time. Monday mornings suck. Steve from accounting always has shit news. Peggy from HR always wants you to sack Steve from accounting. The interns are always hungover and wandering around like idiots. You’ve got a lot on your plate. But you got this, […]

1 Ounce Cannabis Bouquet

A Bud By Any Other Name…

Any amateur can get a dozen roses for their loved one, but it takes a real cannasieur to take love to the next level. And nothing says “I love you” like a 1 Ounce Cannabis Bouquet from Lowell Farms.

Roses whither and die in the vase in days, but a bud bouquet is a gift that keeps on giving over and over and over… and it’s definitely going to make Valentine’s Day a lot more frisky and fun for all.

Roses might get you kissed, but a bouquet of bud will get you kissed all over.


Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics

Puff, Puff, Drink…

When getting intoxicated in only one way isn’t enough!

Sure you like to get high, and you like to get drunk. But if what you really want to do is get drunkly high or highly drunk with style, then the book Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics by perma-happy mixologist Warren Bobrow, is the book for you.

Some say alcohol and cannabis don’t mix. Those people are just doing it wrong. Booze before Bud, head hits thud… but Bud before Booze is a breezy cruise. And Both blended together can be badass…