Coffee + Hot Drink Mixes

Mix up your high… All of your local coffee house favorites with a kick of cannabis in a convenient test tube. Just pour in some warm milk in with a hot Skyline Boulevard Co. drink and watch the potency of your java grow! It’s sort of like those foam dinosaurs you got as a kid, or […]

Sparkling Cannabis

Make toasts, get toasted… Every Sunday you and your basic friends go to that outdoor brunch spot for mimosas. You always know it’s Mimosa Sunday because your friends text you “Mimosas!” first thing that morning. They then greet you with a loud “Mimosas!!” upon picking you up. They cozy up by that one bartender they […]

Cannabis Cold Brew

Coffee beans & buds: A heavenly synergy… The fine folks at Somatik, in collusion with Ritual Coffee, have taken two of nature’s most blessed treasures and combined them into one harmonious cold brew. This is one cup a Joe tailor made for getting up on the right side of the bed. While Somatik may sound like […]

Subtle Tea

TeaHC Time… So you love drinking tea because it relaxes you, but you feel like you have hit peak relaxation and it’s just not working anymore? You want to up your tea game, yes? Than up you shall go. The fine people at VCC Brands have brought Subtle Tea (get it?? Subtle…), a kind cannabis […]

SteepFuze CBD Coffee

Coffee created to calm… It’s the natural progression of things. A person starts with a medium blend coffee from their local coffee chain store and then you start experimenting with various sweeteners. That turns into lattes, and then afternoon espresso breaks. You start throwing chai teas in the mix and now your Starbucks orders sound […]

CBD Living Water

“It’s Alive!” Deep inside the bowels of a 14th century castle located on a remote island in the middle of an undiscovered ocean lies the laboratory of a mad scientist hellbent on creating the perfect water. Inspired at a young age by rushing rivers, brilliant waterfalls, and an insatiable thirst brought on by constant dry […]


Pearls before swine… As some infamous scraggly haired dude from the deep desert said in sermon sometime ago, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.” – Matthew 7:6 Also in that big book of many […]

Citrus ACAI Lift

A quick lift and a giant shift By Lenny’s own account he was nothing before Dixie Elixir. He could only recall glimpses of a mundane existence spent on the hamster wheel of humanity. Just another cog in the giant machinery of life. His friend (a true friend indeed) had witnessed the embers of a long […]

Craft Elixirs

Grab your elixir, there’s trouble a brewin’… The ol’ gunslinger ambled into the cowpoke town just around dusk. The shopkeeps and lawmen eyed this stranger suspiciously. The grizzled man looked like trouble. Tumbleweeds blew by in his wake and the brothel ladies boarded there windows out of fear. The Stranger pushed his way into Patty’s […]

Ganja Grindz

Coffee + Weed = Everything Clearly the union of coffee and cannabis was as inevitable as pre-sliced bananas and platform Crocs. Ganja Grindz has elevated the science and now offers a veritable cornucopia of caffeinated cannabis products. Picture a stand alone artisanal coffee shop. Now picture a field of beautiful cannabis flowers. Finally, imagine a […]