Coyōté Waterpipe

Wild E. Coyote… A full mon rises over the Joshua Tree desert. The warm summer winds carry the yips, barks, & cries of crafty coyotes cruising out on another night’s hunt. Rodents and other small creatures scurry to find hiding as they hear the pack get closer. This is the coyote’s domain. They rule this […]

Little Flower

A banner year for potleaf decorations… Uncle Gregory is getting released from the clink again. Seeing that you are the only one in the family who still talks to Uncle Gregory and seeing that you are the only one in the family with a guest room it is incumbent on you to welcome him into […]

A Continuous Line

The sublime line… They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But sometimes the quickest way into a person’s soul is one continuous line making as many turns as it takes to create a work of art that hits the eye and dives into the depths of the subconscious void as […]


Hallmark for Cannasieurs. “To my beloved Agnes, I’m writing you this letter from deep within the Sumatran jungle. My search for the elusive Albino River Tiger has entered it’s third week. The villagers have taken to me and in a display of generosity have gifted me with these rare plants. Their properties are most curious […]

How I Get High™

Coming out of the grow-closet. Not everyone is loud and proud about their affection for cannabis. The stigma around “getting high” as a negative has been promoted for so long now, even those who use cannabis as purely medicine still feel shy about sharing their story. Not to mention those of us who enjoy smoking grass purely […]

Gold Leaf Paintings

Good as gold Framing plants is a thing. Framing gilded plants? Also a thing. WTF, you ask? It’s called “being swanky”, mutha-fucka!! (insert Hank Mooney voiceover sample). And nothing says swank more decisively than framed golden cannabis leaves by London’s Silke Spingies on display in all the important places of your home and office. Full swank. Full […]

Sexy Letter Press Printing

Pot < You Some people like pot. Some people like you. Some people like pot more than you. But don’t worry, some people like you a bit more than they like the pot. Not many… Well, just one really. And this card is meant just for them. You know who we’re talking about. And this cute […]

24K Fetish Ashtray

Opulence for the discerning smoker. Despite it’s name, 24K gold plated Fetish Ashtray by designer Joe Doucet is a status symbol first and an ashtray second… and maybe a ransom demand third. Something that you would scold someone for if they dare use it for dropping their pedestrian ashes. If Genghis Khan or Atahualpa smoked […]