Absorb Your High and Heal.
(Gentlemen, just ask your woman about this one. Ladies, carry on…)
Things are retaining water, you’re angry, and it feels like some cruel devil is trying to destroy you from the inside out. Your back hurts, your hips hurt, your belly has been ripped some fresh hell. But you say, NOT TODAY, SATAN! Because you’ve got Apothecanna Extra Strength Relieving Creme to help you ease the pain and misery of this time of the month. You massage Apothecanna topical onto all the hurting places, enjoying the minty, floral aromas of the essential oils wisely included by the makers… And before you know it, you have exorcised the demons… enjoying pain relief and even a better mood!
Which is good, because when your man comes to you whining about his poor sore muscles after he “bro-ed out” too hard at the gym trying to impress his boss, you’ll be feeling generous enough to share your Apothecanna Extra Strength Relieving Creme with him. And one application of Apothecanna topical lasts two to three DAYS, so he won’t come back 20 minutes later complaining that his groin will never be the same. (And if he does, remind him that yours creates life, and what was he saying…?)