Coffee beans & buds: A heavenly synergy…
The fine folks at Somatik, in collusion with Ritual Coffee, have taken two of nature’s most blessed treasures and combined them into one harmonious cold brew. This is one cup a Joe tailor made for getting up on the right side of the bed. While Somatik may sound like a secretive sleep clinic run by robots in white lab coats, we assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.
First off, robots don’t get high. But if they did Somatik would be a nice choice as it contains 15mg of “just rightness”. Secondly, if robots slept they should reach for a Somatik cold brew when they awaken to wash away those robot cobwebs and get the energy they need to slowly and stealthily take the reigns away from their human overlords. Not that we are suggesting that Somatik will usher in a new era of A.I run amok. That would be absurd. This is a cold brew for the people, by the people….. for now.
(queue dramatic cello music)