Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’… raw high!
If you are a lost soul and you throw yourself at the Book of Rolling Tips, thinking it will provide you with some great insight on how to turn your gnarled up travesties of a joint into flowering cylinders of pure seamless perfection you will be sorely disappointed.
This is a classic looking, hard cover book that makes the assumption that you already know how to roll joints. That’s because this is no Dear Abbey book. It’s a book of literal rolling tips. About 16 tips per page in fact.
One can easily imagine the lord of the manor retiring to his study after a long day of horse riding and looking upon his mass collection of rich, leather bound books. He reaches for his favorite of all tomes, the mysterious Book of Rolling Tips, because he knows it contains the very things that help him transcend his life of living in an 18th century manor situated on 200 acres of pristine Scottish highlands: Actual rolling tips for the fattest of royal joints. The sort of book you get lost in, several times a day.