Join the EVOlution
The VapeXhale EVO vaporizer appears as a black monolith amidst the dense smoke…. And there will be smoke folks. This unit is all about delivering the biggest punch from even the most meager of product. Imagine TV’s Webster with the devastating uppercut of a young Mike Tyson. Now you are starting to get the power of the EVO.
The VapeXhale EVO’s temperature control is all about precision and potency. Giving you that tailor made high while delivering toxin free vapes with a top notch flavor profile. This is one smoky monolith worth praising. Grab your bones and aim for the sky you crazy apes. (That’s a 2001: Space Odyssey reference for all you elder cats). For those of you who more closely align with Star Wars I offer you this particular quote from the great Jar Jar Binks. Imagine he is talking about a far inferior vaporizer. “Monsters out dere, leakin in here, all sinkin an no power”