DHC Turkey Bong

The Ultimate Turkeyday Peace-pipe… Thanksgiving is meant to be a time to celebrate when peoples at odds, like the Pilgrims & The Wampanoag Tribe who fed them… or whichever football teams are playing that day, can come together peacefully and stuff their faces with each other like they’ve been waiting for harvest for months. So […]

GRAV Glass Wide Base Bong

Wide Base Jumping… You know that feeling when you peek over the edge of a cliff to the distant abyss below and your whole body tingles with a twitchy inner excited anxiousness; that internal conflict between not wanting to fall and yet desperately aching to fly… all at the same time? That need to stretch […]

Lifted Urb Delta8 THC

Revenge of the Urbs… Everyone knows about THC (that’s what gets you stoned). Everyone knows about CBD (that’s what doesn’t). But what do you know about all the other 400+ chemical compounds in cannabis? More specifically, what do you know about Delta 8 THC. If you’re like most folk, not much. We can give you […]