Trūflora Herb-Blended Spliffs

Good Feels Feel Good… String Theory postulates the basic building blocks of all matter and energy in the universe are made up of differently vibrating quantum strings who’s various frequencies determine what that string’s form and/or function will be. Imagine a choir singing various harmonies and melody lines which can both be heard individually, the […]

Betty’s Eddie’s Canna-Candies

Betty’s Eddie’s Bedtime Stories… The following tongue twister is based on actual events, but not actual ingredients. It is to be read aloud after you’ve had a couple of Betty’s Eddie’s delicious vegan cannabis candy fruit chews. Especially adventurous after the enticing edibles have fully kicked in… Betty’s Eddie’s bought some bud butter But she […]

Full Spec Vapes

Taste Space… Most vapes these days strip out all the green goodness, fill it with and mix of purified THC & CBD, and then try & add taste back in later one terpene at a time, which seems both counterproductive and redundant at the same time. Why not take the whole plant with all of […]