Leune Pre-rolls

Sur la Leune… The name Leune, seems to roll off the tongue, engendering a fleeting sense of grace and panache. A pre-roll of the same name dares to elevate the conversation surrounding cannabis. Let’s face it, anyone can cobble together a joint and puff that badboy down as you take your Maltese out for it’s 4’oclock […]

710 Labs

On the flip side of OIL …? To the laymen, 710 Labs could be just your run-of-the-mill laboratory located at 710 Industry Way or maybe there are 710 beakers on the premises or just the lucky number of the head scientist in charge—a gregarious fellow who wears his white lab coat to sleep and drinks […]

Cypress Cannabis

Sun worshippers… Cypress Cannabis is a California estate grower that embraces sustainability by embracing the sun. We mean that figuratively of course, because no man or woman has the arm length to completely embrace the sun. It’s far too large and far too hot. Your arms and probably your torso, feet, and face would melt […]

Honey Pot Topicals

Top Pot Tops… Col. Moncrief liked to take his cannabis infused honey by the old Palmetto tree. He would spoon out a heaping dollop and hold it up to the sun as a sort of communal experience between civil war veteran and sun. He would mix it in his tea and pine for simpler times. […]

Smoke Honest Pipe

Honesty is the best policy… The future is here and it is a winding pathway of cooled marijuana smoke nestled into a minimalist contraption of airplane aluminum with built-in poker. To set eyes upon the Smoke Honest Pipe is to herald in a new generation of pipes yearning to be smoked. The look borrows from […]

Crystal & CBD skincare

Mazzahanna is not a pasta dish… You may want to ask yourself an important question when starting a skincare regiment. Like, is my skin cream blessed by a shaman? Are there crystals and hemp extract up in this mofo? If the answers to any of those question are no it does not make you a […]

Korova Flower

Korova is not a Eastern European Country… Excerpt from the unredacted Mueller Report: “…Upon hearing that the Russian delegation was on it’s way to the White House the reporters were told to leave through the door leading to the Rose Garden where they were being distracted by Stephen Miller making animals balloons. The wait staff […]

Beezle Extracts

Beezle Juice! Beezle Juice! Beezle Juice! While Beezle Sauce sounds like something that will surely transport you to a land of electric waterfalls and pulsating quasars of joy, we cannot help but feel an opportunity was missed here. It seems like the name “Beezle Juice” was there for the taking. One can easily imagine a […]


Bad Air out, Good Green in… This container does to air what you wish you could do to your racist uncle around the holidays. It casts it away. It takes air by the scruff of its neck and announces to the rest of the essential building blocks of life that air is no longer wanted or […]