Not Pot

Bears for Squares… Nobody said you have to get baked in this new Green Rush. The lovely thing about CBD is you get to hang on to that sober outlook while still enjoying the therapeutic benefits of premium endocannabinoids. Not Pot CBD Gummies are shaped like miniature albino bears ready to squeeze the pain and […]

Coyōté Waterpipe

Wild E. Coyote… A full mon rises over the Joshua Tree desert. The warm summer winds carry the yips, barks, & cries of crafty coyotes cruising out on another night’s hunt. Rodents and other small creatures scurry to find hiding as they hear the pack get closer. This is the coyote’s domain. They rule this […]

Plain Jane CBD Smokes

Hemp Side Story… “The CBD Boys” was a gang comprised of mostly progressive and upwardly mobile young street toughs from the Bowery section of New York. Known for their ethically conscious leather jackets and laid back demeanor they could be seen at one of any number of local juice spots puffing away on their Plain […]

Why Cannabis is Medicine

Cannabis Cures… One imagines a world in the distant future where books like “Why Cannabis is Medicine” by Leafwell is seen as an essential text in alternative medicine. A place free from Big Pharma where people take agency for their bodies and are free to cultivate their own remedies. Tune in, drop out and crack […]

Cannabis Capsules

Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Ganja… The three Ayurvedic doshas are comprised of five elements: Fire, Air, Ether, Water and Earth. The last two of which gives Higher Veda Cannabis Capsules it’s main components of cold water hash. Together with a blend of herbs and superfoods these 10mg and 25mg capsules are geared to create a perfect […]

Nomad Pipe

The Wanderer… In a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce the lone nomad must carry with him the essential tools for survival—His samurai sword, his water purifier, chocolate chip cookies and of course his Nomad Pipe by Tetra. A scavenger by trade our nomad seeks out abandoned cannabis farms to fill his spring loaded and […]