Golf Stash & One Hit Tee

Puff Puff Putt… Let’s face it, the only way to really enjoy a good game of the ole 18 hole is to get as high as frickin’ possible. A few puffs of the good stuff and you begin to mind meld with your 9 irons, and 7 woods, and a putter or two to tune […]

Levitating Fruit

“Canna-Cadabra!” And for his final trick, The Amazing Herbert promised to levitate the entire viewing audience a full 8 feet off their chairs!! Of course they all looked on bemusement. The Amazing Herbert was a pretty good magician as far as magicians go, but to levitate 300 people in the air? Surely it couldn’t be […]

Hemp for Pets

A Chew Way Of Life… Why not give your beloved Yellow Labrador something new to chew on? Like… hope. That’s right, hope. That’s the only thing that Ol’ Dusty Boy can cling onto these days. What with the torment of children chasing him around the dinner table, the incessant chasing of tennis balls and the […]


Leave The Odor, Take The High… The call was made. The hit was a go. The mark is a familiar culprit; cannabis sativa. Turns out some local rubes got themselves in a bind. They need their smoked out dwelling turned into a heavenly scented temple of olfaction and they need it quick. Such an act […]

Herbgals x Celia Lees Bandanas

Bandan-Clad Banditas… They cross the southern border at dusk and kick up the desert sand as they cruise through the haciendas of our lives. It’s the four horsewomen of the apocalypse and their bandoliers are filled with two gram joints and caked with the remains of all those that were vanquished on the way (but […]

Humdinger Extracts

The Cats Pajamas Of Extracts… Here’s a swell strain and they say it’s a real doozy! The bees knees of the Mary Jane scene and a bonafide Humdinger! The schoolmarms want to know if it’s corruptible but don’t let them snap your cap. All they want to do is harsh your buzz cuz. Who else […]

HWY Edibles

Take The High Way… “Go West, young man.” It’s time you flew straight and headed for the horizon. Towards the pacific where the skies are blue and the roads cut through mountain valleys; where desert basins and opportunity lies at every turn. Pack light because you don’t want anything holding you down. Just you, your […]

SoulSea Botanicals

Like CBD Soup For The Soul… How can one describe the soul? Where is it located and where does it go? Big questions suited for an infinite cosmos. A place we all search for at one level or another. We seek it in the earth, in the air, in the water and all around us. […]

Crowns Papers & Filters

Smoking in the Garden of Eden… Ethel was one of those neighborhood busybodies who had no filter. She’d read you the riot act and berate you in front of strangers for the tiniest of infractions. Her vocabulary was 2 parts profanity and 1 part sass. She smoked her joints much like she lived her life; […]

Double Barrel Vape

Double The Barrel, Double The Blaze… It’s like puffing on the entire Fast & Furious franchise. For street toughs and magnates of industry alike, the Double Barrel Vape suggests you roll with a deep and diverse crew. Your right hand man has a head tattoo and wears half gloves, but also drives a Lexus SUV […]