Curved Papers

Serve the curve… Ned Bunglesdorf suffered from a chronic condition knowns as “butter fingers”. He was diagnosed at a young age. He would drop orange juice cartons all over the breakfast tabl. He would miss every single ball thrown his way. Even tying his shoelaces was an ordeal. His fingers just lacked the proper dexterity […]

Mozen Disposable Vape

Quick floral fix… You’ve got a busy day, a busy week, a busy year -just admit it, a busy life. You don’t have time for unnecessary things or inefficient activities… you’ve got to shave down every hour, trim off every minute, slice up every second. When you get high, you don’t have time to pick […]

Infusing with Sous Weed

Elegant edible infusions… We’ve come a long way since “The Joy of Cooking”. Not to say the joy is no longer there. Quite to the contrary. Just choose one of any medicated recipes on and just watch the joy come pouring in. These aren’t 101 ways to toast bread, mind you. What you’re getting […]

CBD + Coconut

Beauty is only skin deep,but CBD gets even deeper… The Greater Coconut Council or GCC was a once proud and powerful guild that controlled all coconuts as far away as Thailand. It had it’s hand in everything coconut related and even employed the brightest minds on Madison Avenue to put the good word on the […]

Cacao Cannabis Coffee Beans

Ganja + Java = Ganva… The rich texture of the single origin Sava cannabis cacao coffee beans reminded Dr. Greenstone of Summers spent in the hills of Nicaragua, where he walked through his grandfather’s coffee plantation and took in those same complex notes. How you thought to yourself as you looked out into the valley, […]

TPB Kitty Love Waterpipe

The bong with nine lives… I got these here tats’ on my back to remind me of my ex-wives. One meaner and more venomous than the next. Remind me to keep away… I got these here patches on my leather jacket to honor all the counties I raised Cain in and all the roadhouses I […]

Ritual Tincture

Schedule your high… Typical Weekday Schedule: 9am: Visit dispensary and purchase Ritual Tincture. 9:12am: Scatter chicken bones in the parking lot and howl like a wolf. 10:00am: Report to work at the widget factory. 10:44am: Silently whisper to yourself, “If I make one more widget I’m going to burn this factory down.” 11am: Excuse yourself […]

Stigma Activewear

The Stigma  of stamina… This year’s annual Marijuana-lympics is sure to be a barn burner. All athletes must of course compete high and it is encouraged that all training for the events also take place while high. The event will take place over several days and includes fan favorites like Downhill Dabbing, The Water Pipe […]

Ganja Granola

Flour power… Marin County. Where the Haight Ashbury hippies of the 60s moved in the 70s to raise their free range flower children. Granola became the new staple of health-food snacks and serials, much to the chagrin of said co-op children. The 80s came on like a blast to the nose, and the hippies grew […]

Hemp Face Mask

Inhale, exfoliate… repeat. Sally Rollins, like many women, has her own beauty routine before hitting the hay. It goes as follows: Roll a fat joint, smoke aforementioned fat joint, and then liberally apply Opiat’s hemp based purifying and exfoliating face mask. What Sally does next is unusual, but we are in no place to judge […]