Marley Natural Smoked Glass

What ‘tis sleeker than the beaker? Marley Natural Smoked Glass is a sleek looking waterpipe that is shaped a lot like your classic science beaker. Imagine Madame Curie meets Bob Marley and that’s this bong. It’s also the premise of this fall’s newest time-traveling crime drama “Bombo-Cops”. In the pilot episode a young Mari Curie […]

Lucky Box Subscription Club

Subscribe to the vibe… Chet was just goofing around one day back in 2012. He was enjoying a joint and accidently bumped into the hallway mirror. It broke and just like that, Chet, who was outgoing, popular and promising was sentenced to seven years bad luck. Today he’s still a good guy but he hardly […]

CBD Therapy Capsules

When crops meets drops… When your emotional therapy iguana cannot travel with you The Farmaceutical Company’s CBD Therapy Drops are the next best thing. A soothing dose of CBD to help you overcome inflammation, anxiety, and even your irrational fear of Elvis. That last part isn’t true. Why isn’t it true? Because fearing Elvis is […]

Cannabis Leaf Cookie Cutter

A Cut Above… Agnes Johnson, 72, Amazon shopping fanatic, reviews her newest purchase: Recently I have been trying to get my college age grandson into baking. He referred me to your wonderful website and I was so amused by your plant shaped cookie cutters. Are those maple leaves? I bet they are. The fact that […]

Toking Toile Pot PJs

The Joy of Jouy… The year was 1759. In the petite ville of Jouy, just outside of pre-revolutionary Paris, an innovative textile worker by the name of Marie Du Lac brought some leftover linen from the textile shop with her to her new husband Jacque Du Lac’s print block business on the other side of […]

Plenty Powerful Herbal Vape

The Tradesman’s vaporizer… Like some crucial tool needed to repair a fallen alien spacecraft, The Plenty herbal vaporizer from Storz & Bickel is a master craftsman’s best friend. Strap it on the ol’ tool belt as you cruise the aisles of Home Depot sampling insulation and staring in awe at the paint mixing demonstrations. The […]

Diminutive Dabbing Tools

Tiny tools for giant jobs… When Lemuel Gulliver returned from his “Lost Month” after he’d disappeared, everyone had assumed he’d just fallen off the wagon again and spent the month on the continent in various bars and brothels. Little did they know -pun intended- that he had been one of the greatest adventures of the […]

A Continuous Line

The sublime line… They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But sometimes the quickest way into a person’s soul is one continuous line making as many turns as it takes to create a work of art that hits the eye and dives into the depths of the subconscious void as […]

Silverstick & Leather Dugout

A one hit wonder… When is silver better than gold…? When it’s a Silverstick packed with golden green. For those of us who have been suffering for ages smoking out of unfiltered one hitter ceramic cigarettes -doing possible damage to our precious lungs, and definite damage to our yellowing teeth- the Silverstick seems like a […]

Emerald Alchemy Tincture

Old World extraction for Other World interaction… Time honored practices make for an intense relationship between human and plant. A liquid bridge, if you will, where one freely crosses between two worlds; the natural and the supernatural. Through alchemy and good old fashioned agriculture this cannabis tincture will give you a unique experience and transport […]