Grasshopper Vape Pen

The Vape-pen’s Pen… Grasshopper’s Vape-pen Pen is what happens to a vape pen after it quits eating carbs and starts to take supplements while maxing out on deadlifts. This is a sleek and strong looking pen with no weakness. It is the Ukraine of vape pens. It’s like a miniature warhead programmed to detonate inside your […]

Asteroid Gummies

Cannabis for kids…? Remember back to the day you walked into the local ice cream shop in your little hometown in early 1980, and saw a bunch of your grammer school friends crowded in the corner around some kinda tall electronic pinball machine with a TV screen set inside. This strange new machine didn’t have […]

Deviant Dabs

A hellscape of deviance and delight… They called young Eddie Bellflower a deviant. They kicked him out of his pot collective and put his mugshot all over the town of Cannabis Junction. They said his ways were impure and they disapproved of his methods. He was given the scarlet letter as set forth by the […]

Cannabis Powder XJ-13

Dose & Dissolve… Through a mysterious co-mingling of both chemistry and alchemy, the intrepid souls at THC Design have just made what may be the galaxy’s first ever water soluble cannabis powder. That noise you hear in the distance are trumpets announcing it’s arrival. Has the new green Ovaltine arrived? Will there be a change […]

Love Hemp™ Body Salve

Love Thyself, Salve Thyself… Apply often, apply deeply, apply with reckless abandon… just as long as you apply. Allow the healing properties of Love Hemp melt into your skin, sink into your bones and trickle it’s way inside your veins. Let those veins carry the siren song of pure relaxation to the CBD starved synapses […]


The Four Horsemen of the Vape-apolypse. From the Book of Elevations… – Elevation 6:1-2 Then I saw when a New Smoker broke one of the four seals from the Bloomfield Vape Kit, and I heard one of the four vaping creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Sativa” I looked, and behold, a white […]

Seasonal Treat Red Boxes

A Sensimilla Stocking Stuffer… If the terms green, organic, and fair-trade make you salivate, then a Baceae edible is just for you. If you like to get deliciously high, and lessen your carbon footprint on the planet, then a Baceae gourmet edible is just what you need. If you like little red boxes to go with […]

CannaBloom Infused Beauty Oil

Infuse your face… The last words he heard her speak were “I’m sorry Jim. I just want to look great, and get body high… all the time.” Then she took one last long look at him, with her perfect complexion and walked out of his life. Her sultry skin and vitality were as much a […]

Sweet Leaf Clutch

She’s a Killer Clutch… This ain’t no: Me and my girls going out for a “crazy” Saturday night at the clubs in the “Big City” waiting in line most the night, only to dance around our purses til closing time… kind of clutch. This is a: hold my clutch cuz this guy trying to grab my ass on this […]