
Miami Nice… Neon-hip 80s undercover sugar cops Pockett & Higgs are meeting with a man named Wango Mango to try buy Coca-Cola’s secret ingredient at a pastel library on the Miami sugar strip. While they begin to make a deal, Dizzy, their connection, and another man, chemist Henri Moon, are sitting watching the librarians stack books. […]

Stone Road

Stoned up the road… “Thank you brother for the load (of Stone Road) But I guess that all my stuff is stowed I guess it’s time for me to go To get stoned up the road, I get stoned on Stoned on up the road If your heart is heavy with indecision And businessmen howl from […]

Haze V3.O

Welcoming the days of Haze… Upon first glance the new Haze V3.0 Vaporizer looks like a futuristic speaker for cyborgs but upon closer inspection it becomes evident that this is a multi-purpose vaporizer specializing in cannabis consumption of any form. Dry herb? Yes, of course. Liquid? Oh yes, have at it. Concentrate? They shant leave […]


Come on baby, light my preroll… Little did Jim Morrison and Gram Parsons and other vision questers from the 60s and 70s know that their love for pushing the psychedelic boundaries of reality in sleepy Joshua Tree would one day influence the next generation of boundary pushers to escape the traps of city life into […]

Legal Weed

Get your joints out. Class is in session… So you want to start a dispensary but all you’ve got is this 9 x 8 toolshed, a hydroponic setup and a secondhand cash register plundered from the ash heap of a long forgotten Circuit City in the North Valley. You are gonna’ need more than that […]

Spreadable, Edible Coconut Oil

The case of the great spreadable edible… This is one edible that is billed as “smooth, creamy and potent”, which is also the promise of many slow R&B albums where the lead singer sits on a velvet Biedermeier sofa, cradling his saxophone and showing off his gator skin boots. Truth be told, it’s an exciting […]

Dose Pens

NOT a pregnancy test… Let us not mince words. Sleek and elegant as it is, the Hmblt Dose Pen looks a lot like a pregnancy test at first glance. You are therefore urged NOT to pee on this pen because we assure you that it will not be a good indicator of impending childbirth. It is […]

Love + Destroy

Smoke with the one who brought you to the dance… Love + Destroy one-hitters are a relic from the past, updated for modern sensibilities. If this lovely little pipe had it’s own Facebook profile it’s relationship status would say “It’s Complicated.” Not because it’s difficult to understand, far from it. Rather it’s because of it’s […]

VidaKush Mary Jane

Bud Blessed Bae… Queens of Cannabis come head these words: May you be draped in the gold of the ganja goddess, May you wear the weavings of weeds, May you lay in the leaf of luxury, May you slip through the smoke of the Sensi, May you find pleasure in the placement of personal pot […]


Pearls before swine… As some infamous scraggly haired dude from the deep desert said in sermon sometime ago, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.” – Matthew 7:6 Also in that big book of many […]