Stealth Hot Knife

Col. Concentrate in the Smoking Room with the Hot Knife Dabbing finally gets the respect it almost deserves with the world’s first electric dabbing device. Stealth Tech’s Hot Knife is a handy little tool that has the appearance of a stylish Mont Blanc pen. Class. With adept use, it can cut deep to the heart […]

kikoko Tea

Tea time for the soul… As if from the ancient tea houses of Edo, to your favorite dispensary,  Kikoko Tea adds another layer to tea time. Bringing past to present. Elevating the ceremony to a euphoric blend of the senses. In the “Book of Tea” Kakuzo Okakura described teaism as, “a cult founded on the adoration […]

Fiddler’s Greens

High notes on the high seas… Legend has it that a life spent sailing the high seas is rewarded in the afterlife, where a fiddle never stops playing, dancers never stop dancing and mirth follows you for eternity. Fiddler’s Greens tincture is here to let you know that you need not wait for sailor’s paradise to […]

Honey Solid Lotion Bar

The hardest working bees in growbiz.. Honey?? I’m not sure what sort of bees you’re used to but these here bees make a lot more than honey. What with the economy being in the tank, and hive mentality being what it is, these bees can ill afford to make just honey. When the siren song […]

The Lit Kit

Treat Yo’ Self. There are many things you should re-gift: A DVD box set of “Teen Mom” is a good choice; a bottle of peach schnapps that comes in a bottle shaped like a peach is another; and a collapsible Chicken rotisserie may also qualify for re-gifting. It would take a real monster to receive […]

Humboldt Apothecary

“Herbal remedies for what ails ya’” Tis’ what the sign read deep into the Humboldt backcountry, where cannabis plants sprouted like giants, and townsfolk seemed to float a good seven inches off the ground. A magical place that all spoke of an apothecarist’s shop nestled into the foothills of the grand Redwoods. The conscience altering […]

WYLD Chocolates

Show your Wyld side. Caribou Theater. A One Act Play. Set in the great Northwest. Open on two caribou…  Caribou #1 (James): Where the hell were you Kenny? It’s hunting season. I was worried sick. Caribou #2 (Kenny): I am so sorry James. It’s just that… I can’t hardly even explain it… James: You better […]

Sublingual Strips

Let’s Slip into something more comfortable These sublinguals are fast acting and stylish. Like a track star wearing Chanel shorts. Just place a slip under the tongue and in the matter of minutes reawaken to a world where daily stresses are mere distractions and every interaction is a moment suspended in time. Each slip resembles […]

Honest Blunts

This blunt don’t front… In a time of great deception and upheaval shouldn’t your blunts at least be true? The Honest Marijuana Company would concur. Their Honest Blunt kicks sand in the eyes of deceptively rolled blunts that wouldn’t pass mustard at even your most poultry of cannabis diversions. We all remember that bong you […]

Auntie Dolores

Edible Dreams… Remember your hip Auntie at family functions extolling extravagant stories of her youthful times as a Band-aid for all the biggest rock bands…? Back when she and her besties would inspire musicians to create their masterpieces in her name and then disappear into the sunset as the tour bus roles on singing “Hold […]