ROOT Indoor Garden

Here’s George Jetson…’s home hydro-grow. Ok, it’s almost 2020 and we still don’t have real flying cars or practical jet packs predicted in the 1960s. But we can do something almost unthinkable a half a century ago. If you want to grow a small batch of fine “herb”, as the kids say, in the privacy […]

18k Gold Bar Pipe

Scrooge McDank the Goldsmoker. You know how it goes. Another hard day of corporate raiding. You only doubled your investment and complain about the “chump-change” as you sell off all the valuable assets. After all that, nothing sounds better taking dip and jumping into your personal spanish-bullion coin-pool in your giant gold vault. After jumping […]


Love and Marij

‘Til Breath Do Us Part. The romantic souls from Love and Marij have introduced a way to make the most important day of your life a cannabis filled purple haze of marital bliss. Switch out the champagne for quality buds and maybe even get yourself a stylish hemp tux or gown to boot. Love and […]

Golden Goddess

Good Goddess The goddess of the hunt walks barefoot through a dewey forest on a chill morning. Supplicants beg her for an audience, asking to know which path to follow out of the forest, first begging to be held in her nurturing embrace. She consents. This is Lush. The goddess of hidden lakes offers a […]

Gold Leaf Slip-on Sneakers

Divine Gold Leaf Sneaks The future illustrious Pontiff of Pot, Pope Cannabis CDXX himself, might slip on a pair of these fine Italian gold leaf leather sneakers designed by Palm Angels sold at Farfetch. Wearing them as he steps out of his bed chambers onto the veranda of the Vatican of Weed in the heart of […]

Hitman Glass

Contract this killer Hitman glass water pipes are named as such because it is the perfect companion piece to bring along on any contract killing. Acquire target, vanquish target, bong rip. In that order. The great thing about Hitman Glass water pipes is that it hits really well too, even if you’re a bricklayer, schoolteacher […]

Hemp Seed Oil

Spread the seed. Let the hemp plant to spread it’s seed on your body, your face, your feet or really anywhere else, and you will be happily rewarded. Hempz has come up with a luxurious line of Hemp Seed Oil based skincare products that use the medicinal qualities of Hemp along with pure herbal extracts […]

Beboe A Rose Gold Vape

Let them puff vapes… In the alternate timeline of AT-420-20-17-C where cannabis, not alcohol, is Earth’s dominant form of respected intoxicant, one might see the Queen of England herself puffing on an elegant Beboe Rose Gold vape-pen, after a hard day of making sure Buckingham Palace was up to snuff for the next Visitors of […]

Wild Sigurberry

Mïnd föød męéts möôd müšįc. Øwnlee â möosic grroøp fraüm Êyesslænd wöod poót mæd op werds weth müud möosick, und mæk nęwe soónds söe mægickal und sįrræl. Nœw bænd Sigur Rós, und gœrmaÿ ædibel mækęr Lord Jones, hæv coöm tógedr tø cræte “Wild Sigurberry” cännæbîss-ênphüsd gümdrœps! Jüste â cœple uf gümdrœps und yu wįlle bæ flöeting öffe ônn […]

The Apothecarry Case

So fresh and so clean… Shoeboxes are for stashing messy receipts for your tax agent to sort through while quietly angry at your apathy… not a place to put your premium pot products. Most people would be satisfied with said shoebox (fools). Others would be ok with some sort of plain metal tin that locks […]