Cedar & Finch – Cannary Pouch & Lid’l Pipe

The Pot Pipe Pouch Purse

Like the great Australian Kangaroo keeping its precious young in the safety of its pouch, Cedar & Finch’s Cannary Pouch keeps your pipe and herb stash safe and sound.

Combine it with their elegantly engraved Lid’l Pipe with magnetic lid, and keep your full bowl super secure like a… like a… a proud Platypus protecting its young in its pouch from the plethora of water dangers in the Aussie Outback.

(Maybe we should turn off the Australian Discovery Channel when we write these things.)


Home-Brewed Bud

You know that college roommate who suddenly got into home-brewing beer in your small apartment? You had to deal with months of crappy yeast and hop stink only to be rewarded with a couple of bottles of mostly flat “earthy” beer, and pretend to like it just so he’d pay his share of the cable bill that month.

Well now you can be that guy, only with weed! Get Leaf! The personal home grow system so easy even a college roommate can’t screw it up. “Just set it… and forget it!”…as that rotisserie chicken guy used to say. (Mmmmm, rotisserie chicken…)

Yes, you too can try and grow at home what the professionals do much better on the farms!

(Alright, if you have no access to pro-grown bud, or just like to watch weed grow, this is pretty frickin’ dope.)