Recycled Hemp Beanie & Shawl

Hip Hemp Hat & Shawl

Rainy days. Cold winds. A warm cup of good coffee. A pipe full of craft cannabis. It’s another fine Summer in Seattle.

Time to cozy up in your backyard eco-yurt reading your favorite Bill Bryson book for the third time.

Good thing you’ve got your sustainable recycled-hemp Wrap Shawl and Yurt Beanie by Yellow 108 on to keep your body warm and your carbon footprint low. Summers in Seattle can be brutal, and so can the eco-guilt.

Original Piece Pipe

Are people still down with O.P.P.?

Apparently, the ’90s are back with a vengeance and it’s still cool to be down with Other People’s Pu… (wait, what? Say again… we read that wrong? Not that O.P.P.?? It’s what..? “Original Piece Pipe” …are you sure? Is that a track from Naughty By Nature’s all weed concept album? What? That’s not a thing? What the heck is it then? A brass bullet keychain that stores weed and then smokes that weed…? You sure about that? K. Fine. Take 2…)

Cloudious9 – Hydrology9

Flashback To The Future

Ever spaced-out looking at that lava lamp in your college dorm room and thought “Man, I wish I could smoke weed outta that…” Well, now you can!

Ever thought “I wish I could vape herb out of my glass bong at that rave without a lighter” You sure can!

Ever wondered “Why am I enjoying slightly kissing this glass mouth piece so much?” No? Just us? K.

Cloudious 9 puts it all together beautifully, dare we say sensually (still just us? K.) with Hydrology9. The electronic glass herbal vape-bong that lights up like an LED Lava Lamp to bring your flashback to the future!

Hemp Seed Body Lotion

Super Easy Skankin’

Hemp might not be as hip as it’s other cannabis cousins just because it doesn’t get anyone high. But Marley Natural’s Hemp Seed Body Lotin is almost the second next best thing.

Spreading this on your body is like having Bob Marley himself comedown from rasta-heaven and perform all of Kaya in it’s entirety in a secret show just for your skin. Silky, smooth, and singing “Easy Skankin'” til your pores scream with irie excitement. Like St. Bob himself is giving your inner-ears a foot massage. That’s how good Marley Natural’s Hemp Seed Body Lotion is.

Or something kinda like that…

Well maybe not quite like that at all, but it is really good for your skin. And it’s been blessed by St. Bob himself…’s estate.

Fruit Slabs

An adult fruit rollup that’s not edible undies.

Maybe you haven’t had a fruit rollup in decades because you’re not 8 years old. But somewhere in the back of your mind you’ve had a craving for that flat peeled-off sugar-paper that somewhat suggests various fruit flavors. Well then Fruit Slabs answer your inner child’s desire! It’s your childhood fruit rollup just for adults that makes you feel like a kid again. A really baked kid.

100% Organic & flavorful and full of childhood daydreams.

(Contact Fruit Slabs for pricing and dispensaries.)

Malin+Goetz Cannabis Candle

Want to be a stoner, or just smell like one?

Sometimes you want the sweet smell of cannabis without all the bother of getting high. Malin & Goetz Cannabis Candle strives to do just that soothing, relaxing, and without the smell of burnouts.

Their cannabis scent is a synthesis of the sexy, spicy, peppery notes evocative of the cannabis plant. But sadly, this candle doesn’t actually contain any cannabis. That’s the part you’ll have to provide.

The Classy Stash

You put your fancy weed in there…

If you’re the kind of fancy guy who waxes his mustache up to keep it out of the way of his self-rolled organic joints, then this is the classy stash for you. Stash your stash in this stash to keep your ‘stache happy & your sticky stash safe & sound.

Hearkening back to the days of liquor cabinets and cigar boxes, small pox and child labor… Walnut Studio’s hand-crafted leather Classy Stash organizes your cannabis strains into three glass stash jars, protecting them from the light, preserving them from drying out, and confining all odors. Even fancy moldy euro-cheese, we assume.

You might be even able to stash your ‘stache wax in there too and get your super ‘stache super high too.

Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics

Puff, Puff, Drink…

When getting intoxicated in only one way isn’t enough!

Sure you like to get high, and you like to get drunk. But if what you really want to do is get drunkly high or highly drunk with style, then the book Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics by perma-happy mixologist Warren Bobrow, is the book for you.

Some say alcohol and cannabis don’t mix. Those people are just doing it wrong. Booze before Bud, head hits thud… but Bud before Booze is a breezy cruise. And Both blended together can be badass…

URB Concrete Pipe

Form Over Function.

Your first thought might be, “Ooo, this is a cool looking pipe. Looks like a piece of post-modern art or something.”

Then you pick it up and think, “How the hell do I smoke out of this thing?”

You might think the front loading bowl might be where you light it, like a one-hitter bat, but you’d be wrong. You plug that bowl with the cork lid and then light it through the five little holes on top (which can brand your thumb when hot). Weird, but sure let’s try.

Soak – Lavender Bath Soak

Soaked & Stoned.

What could be better than a nice hot bath after a tough day? A nice hot bath as blazed as can be. And what better way to help that out than a big fat indica joint to go with a medicinal cannabis infused epsom salt soak. So not only is your mind relaxed by the pre-roll in your fingers, but your body is getting blissfully baked from the outside in.

Whoopi (of being Whoopi Goldberg fame) and Maya (of Om Edibles fame) have partnered together as Whoopi & Maya (imagine that) on Soak bath-salts (the good kind) as well as many other fine feminine focused cannabis infused products, from tingly topicals to tasty edibles, that can be used by all of the sexes.

(Big fat indica pre-roll joint sold separately)